7 Minute Workout
Health & Fitness | 5.8MB
7 minute workout app will keep up your body fit and healthy.
Now even better with Advanced 7 Minute Workout Exercises.
The normal 7 minute workout incorporates 12 different calisthenics including triceps dips, planks, lunges, push ups, squats, wall sits, and jumping jacks, that work all major muscle groups like abs, butt, leg, arm and pump up your heart with simple equipment like a chair and wall. Each exercise is performed for 30 seconds, during which time you do as many repetitions as you can, you then rest for about 10 seconds before proceeding to the next exercise.
Many studies show that low volume, high intensity interval training in general can increase strength and endurance, improve aerobic capacity and cardiopulmonary health, improve glucose metabolism, and decrease body fat and blood lipids, as well as have psychological benefits.
7 min workout app suits the best for regular people, who want simple, effective and short workout in anywhere at any time.
***** FEATURES *****
- 12 Exercises of 7 min workout Program.
- 9 Exercises of Advanced 7 Min Workout Program.
- Easy customize your workout: Circuit Time, Rest Time.
- Estimate your workout time.
- Keep the screen on when you workout.
- Track your workout log with detail chart.
- Track your weight after workout.
- Remind you daily workout, you can adjust notification time, days of the week.
- Voice guidance and text guidance.
- No Ad.
This app has no permissions so you can do your 7 minute workout without concerning about privacy.
Enjoy the 7 minute workout app and stay fit!!!
Fix some bugs, improve app performance.