6IX9INE "Gotti" (WSHH Exclusive - Official Music Video)
6ix9ine CONFIRMED that LA GOONS are SOFT like Charmin Ultra Soft Mega Rolls
Tekashi 69 says 'If You Think Im Soft... Test my Gangsta.. I walk the streets solo w/ $80K on me'!
6ix9ine Says “Snitches” Aren’t Soft: “Look At What Happened To Nipsey Hussle”
Boosie: If Nine Trey Bloods Don't Handle Tekashi They're Soft (Part 8)
6ix9ine New York Really Soft. This is home but me walking around with 1,000,000 cash is crazy
Tekashi 6ix9ine clowning that he getting chased
Tekashi 6ix9ine & Akon in the studio working on locked up part 2 remix (WOW)