W4C7 - Materialism & Practice - 'soft' materialisms (UCL Anthropology, Holbraad)
IUP Anthropology OER - Dr. Lori Labotka: Linguistic Anthropology
Archeology, historic and prehistoric defined along with soft and hard data.
ACOUP - The Practical Case on Why We Need the Humanities
Art of Excellence | Anthropologist & Soft Skills Expert IELTS TOEFL | Yashaswiniam Dr Ashok Bhairi
What do YOU think is the secret to a long and healthy life? #anthropologistexplains
Ways to Make People 'Like You' | Anthropologist & Soft Skills Expert IELTS TOEFL | Yashaswiniam
Understanding the Misunderstood | Anthropologist & Soft Skills Expert IELTS TOEFL | Yashaswiniam