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Chakra meditation is a form of meditation that consists of a set of relaxation techniques focused on bringing balance, relaxation and well-being to the chakras. “Chakra” is an ancient Sanskrit word that means vortex or wheel that can be traced back to India.
Chakras are the human body’s seven main energy centers with each one corresponding to individual glands that govern our specific body parts plus various areas of the psyche. They are located next to a hormonal gland along the human spinal column.
Chakras can become blocked and if even one of the 7 Chakras becomes blocked, it sets us up for physical and emotional problems which is something no one wants.
Our beautiful and mysterious universe distributes its divine life-force energy to the earth and to our glands and organs located throughout the body and bloodstream. This life-force energy is key in order to obtaining optimum well being and health. It’s believed that since the chakras are interrelated, they closely affect one another. By working to achieve the optimum level of balance.
The chakras provide a state of total emotional and physical well being. There is no other description for this except that it’s a tremendous achievement of an ideal state of health, well being, and a peaceful, quiet mind. By working to achieve the optimum level of balance and relaxation.
It’s also believed that the chakras can be greatly influenced by negative thoughts that have the ability to negatively impact the chakras’ correct functioning ability leading to an unhealthily state.
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First release of Chakra Meditation, Chakra Meditation App for Beginners.