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Claudia Coach

1.92.29 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ Lượt cài đặt

Johann Chaves Saborío

Mô tả của Claudia Coach

With the updating of mobile application, 20,000+ users downloaded Claudia Coach latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app is intended for an adult audience. This hot app was released on 2018-10-24. More apps was release recently, you can download them and share with your friends!
CLAUDIA COACH es un sistema de acondicionamiento fisico exigente y divertido, diseñado específicamente para mejorar la forma física y la salud de las Personas.
El cual implementamos ejercicios de:
Mejora tu estado físico e incrementa tu rendimiento. Baja de peso, reduce % de grasa y tonifica tu cuerpo.
* Disminuye el porcentaje de grasa corporal.
*Mejora el estado físico y capacidad frente al esfuerzo
*Ayuda a mejorar el rendimiento para afrontar actividades de alta intensidad
*Desarrollo cardiovascular y bonificación en general
* Mejora nuestra autoestima y motivación
*La base para generar el hábito del deporte y poder entrenar todos los días.
*Mayr gasto calórico hasta 1000 calorías por sesión
Aumenta tu fuerza y rendimiento. Define tus músculos y mejora la mecánica de tu cuerpo con un entrenamiento de alta intensidad.ot
* Mayor definición muscular
*Desarrollo de musculatura simétrica y ágil
*Aumenta el tamaño y la eficiencia muscular
*potencia tus movimientos y previene lesiones
*Mayor gasto calórico durante y post entrenamiento
*Mejora la eficiencia de tu cuerpo retardado la fatiga
Maximiza tu rendimiento con ejercicios explosivos y desafiantes. Desarrolla tu musculatura manteniendo tu peso ideal.
* Mantiene tu peso ideal y una definición muscular envidiable.
* Protege tus músculos y la calidad de tus huesos
*Te llevará a conseguir tu mejor forma física.
*Mejora la mecánica de tus movimientos a altas velocidades
*Aumenta tus niveles de energía.
*El Mayor consumo calórico durante y post entrenamiento
*Este tipo de entrenamiento intenso mejora muchísimo tu estado de ánimo
Fortalecimiento post lesión o entrenamiento específico que requiera una planificación individualizada.
*entrenamiento uno a uno
*Mayor cuidado de posturas de técnicas
*Adaptaciones progresivas
*Entrenamiento enfocado de acuerdo a su objetivo.
Fortalece y adapta tu cuerpo progresivamente al esfuerzo aumentando el consumo de calorías.
*Educar la correcta ejecución de los ejércicios principales
*Fortalecimiento del centro abdominal y de postura
*Mejora de la composición corporal
*Aumenta de la capacidad cardiovaslucar
*Adquieres agilidad y coordinación
*Aceleración y eficiencia metabólica
*Genera mentalidad positiva
*Mayor consumo calórico durante y post entrenamiento
*Fortalecimiento y tonificacion en general
CLAUDIA COACH is a demanding and fun physical conditioning system, specifically designed to improve the physical shape and health of people.
Which we implement exercises of:
Improve your physical condition and increase your performance. Lose weight, reduce% fat and tone your body.
* Decrease the percentage of body fat.
* Improves the physical state and capacity against the effort
* Helps to improve the performance to face high intensity activities
* Cardiovascular development and general bonus
* Improves our self-esteem and motivation
* The basis to generate the habit of sport and to be able to train every day.
* Mayr caloric expenditure up to 1000 calories per session
Increase your strength and performance. Define your muscles and improve the mechanics of your body with a high intensity workout.
* Greater muscle definition
* Development of symmetrical and agile muscles
* Increase muscle size and efficiency
* Power your movements and prevent injuries
* Higher caloric expenditure during and after training
* Improve the efficiency of your body delayed fatigue
Maximize your performance with explosive and challenging exercises. Develop your muscles maintaining your ideal weight.
* Maintain your ideal weight and an enviable muscular definition.
* Protect your muscles and the quality of your bones
* It will take you to get your best physical shape.
* Improve the mechanics of your movements at high speeds
* Increase your energy levels.
* The highest caloric intake during and after training
* This type of intense training greatly improves your mood
Strengthening post injury or specific training that requires individualized planning.
* one to one training
* Greater care of techniques postures
* Progressive adaptations
* Training focused according to your objective.
Strengthen and adapt your body progressively to the effort increasing the calorie consumption.
* Educate the correct execution of the main armies
* Strengthening of the abdominal and posture center
* Improvement of body composition
* Increase in cardiovaslucar capacity
* You acquire agility and coordination
* Acceleration and metabolic efficiency
* Generates positive mentality
* Higher caloric intake during and after training
* Strengthening and toning in general

Thông tin bổ sung

  • Danh mục:
    Sức khỏe và Thể hình
  • Phiên bản mới nhất:
  • Đã cập nhật:
  • Kích thước:
  • Yêu cầu:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Nhà phát triển:
    Johann Chaves Saborío
  • ID:
  • Claudia Coach
    Claudia Coach 1.92.26