A Novel Scheme for Tolerating Single Event/Multiple Bit Upsets (SEU/MBU) in Non-Volatile Memories
Non Volatile Main Memory for Handheld Devices : An idea whose time has come
How to reset your Mac's NVRAM, PRAM, and SMC
Persistent Memory Programing on Conventional Hardware (SDC 2019)
FAST '21 - Remap-SSD: Safely and Efficiently Exploiting SSD Address Remapping to Eliminate...
Test số lần sạc Pin smartphone Android. Cách xem chu kỳ hay số lần nạp xả pin điện thoại android.
ايسي الذاكرة ( ROM-PROM-EPROM-EEPROM ) #حصريااا
Persistent Memory Summit 2018 - Future Media