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Card Sodexo Romania

1.6.5 for Android
4.8 | 1,000,000+ Yükleme sayısı

Sodexo Pass Romania SRL

Açıklaması Card Sodexo Romania

The No.1 store for free apps, games & videos. 20,000+ users downloaded Card Sodexo Romania latest version on 9Apps for free every week! This app was totally funny. This hot app was released on 2019-09-08. I believe that if you are an android apps lover, you would not miss it.
Instaleaza aplicatia Card Sodexo Romania si acceseaza harta unde poti plati cu produsele noastre (tichete sau carduri) chiar si fara sa creezi un cont nou.
Daca esti beneficiarul unui card Sodexo (Gusto, Turist, Cadou, Cultura), atunci aplicatia noastra te ajuta sa monitorizezi contul, oriunde te-ai afla:
- Vizualizezi PIN-ul cardurilor tale Sodexo
- Ai acces la sold si la tranzactiile tale (widgets)
- Gasesti usor toti partenerii Sodexo
- Te bucuri de promotiile dedicate
- Ne contactezi direct din aplicatie
Install Sodexo Romania Card Application and access the map where you can pay with our products (vouchers or cards) even without creating a new account.
If you are the recipient of a Sodexo (Gusto, Turist, Gift, Culture) card, then our application helps you monitor your account wherever you are:
- You see the PIN of your Sodexo cards
- You have access to your hip and your widgets
- Easily find all Sodexo partners
- You enjoy the dedicated promotions
- You contact us directly from the application

Yenilikler Card Sodexo Romania 1.6.5

Acum poti activa direct din aplicatie cardurile noi.


  • Kategori:
    Yaşam Tarzı
  • Mevcut Sürüm:
  • Güncellendi:
  • Boyut:
  • Gereken Android sürümü:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Geliştirici:
    Sodexo Pass Romania SRL
  • ID: