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battleground pubg lite mobile guide is not a game.It's just an app for full information about battleground and pubg.
Here you can find more information about pubg lite which is best to win the pubg chicken
Flare gun possibilities could be found in the pubg mobile lite game.Players unknowns battleground pubg lite mobile guide will also give more info about weapons,consumables,throwables etc.
If you want to know more about pubg mobile game just install this game for pro in your mobile.By using this pubg guide,you can win chicken dinner easily.
Game information :
- It provides a damage calculator
- It provide weapon information
- It provide item information
Community post board :
- Free post board, image post board, video post board
- Provides information on PUBG patches
- To Find duo/squad, to advertise your clan
Provide Map information :
- Provide a shared map with friends
- Provides information on the area where vehicles appear.
- Provides distance calculation, route drawing.
This is not a game.
An app that provides information about the game.
So, the goal is to provide information rather than provide pleasure.
Guide For Pubg Mobile
Güncellendi: 2019-12-05
Mevcut Sürüm: 1.0
Gereken Android sürümü: Android 4.1 or later