Hollywood Weather &Local News

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Hollywood Weather & Local News is a free news aggregator and an endless stream that provides you up-to-the-minute local news and weather alerts , as well as community information. It saves you time searching the web for different feeds, allows you adding favorite topics and following trusted local sources. Download Hollywood Weather & Local News and keep informed-Free!
Hollywood Weather & Local News INCLUDES:
- Latest Hollywood news and up-to-minute community information
- Local weather alerts, radar and forecasts
- Sporting news, game schedules & scores
- Entertainment guide including concerts, shows and more
- Ability to easily share your favorite articles across platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Google .
Having trouble with the app? Got any ideas on how we could improve? We at News Aggregator want to hear from you! Please email us at newsaggregatorvip@gmail.com for immediate assistance.
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Mevcut Sürüm: 2.3.2

Gereken Android sürümü: Android 4.0 or later


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