
Our abdominal muscles are no different from our other muscles in our bodies. Nobody wants to make 100 bicep curl movements without using weight, is it? Because it has no use in your body. For this reason, if you want to make the abdomen, you have to keep the number between 8 and 12, and you should force your body as much as possible while doing the last two revolutions. In this way you have signaled that your abdominal muscles are not as powerful as your ability and your body understands that you need to make muscles quickly to be able to cope with the next challenging workout.
If you do not focus on running different muscle groups every day, and you are doing a light workout with your entire body, you can work your muscle groups the day before the next day. But if you've done Russian Twist on Monday and you have strengthened your lateral abdominal muscles, I suggest you shuttle on Tuesday and get your mid-abdominal muscles running.
The fat in the fat cells, stored as triglycerides. Muscle cells can not use triglycerides directly as fuel. Muscle cells must convert triglycerides to glycerol and free fatty acids, which can enter the circulatory system in order to obtain energy from the fat. Because of this, the oils to be used as energy can be used not only from the region where you work, but also from any part of the body.
Abdominal muscles are made in the gym and become visible in the kitchen. Let me explain what I mean: Even if you do not make muscles after a great deal of effort, if your waist region is surrounded by a thick layer of fat, you can not see that piece of muscle that makes up the roots. If you want to make your abdominal muscles visible, you should reduce your calorie intake to reduce your body fat rate and add your cardio to your workout.
Having a variety of exercises for a flat abdomen depends on the fact that they can be effective regularly and correctly. Here are a few exercises you can do at home without having any special equipment ...
The shuttle is the easiest and most effective exercise for your abdominal muscles.
1. Hands lying behind our head in a twisted fashion on our backs.
2. We lift our bodies up and put our elbows on our knees.
3. We can also do different things. For example; For the diagonal shuttle we bend our body and lift it up. That is, we move our left elbow to our right and our right elbow to our left.
"Scissors" is another exercise worth trying.
1. We are lying on our backs and we open our arms straight on the sides.
2. We lift our legs straight 10-15 cm above the ground. We can do it vertically and horizontally.
3. Vertical scissors are absolutely easy, we move our legs up and down without touching each other mutually.
4. We move the horizontal scissors, legs to the left and right to each other. When we do this movement, one of our legs should be at the top while the other is at the top.
Knife "is similar to the shuttle; But it is definitely a more difficult move.
1. We sleep on the back, the legs are flat, the hands are behind the head.
2. We raise our bodies and legs by bending our knees up at the same time.
3. At the end of the movement we lower our legs and body; But we do not touch the place. We do it again after a while.
4. All exercises are done quickly and without interrupting the set.
Finally, an exercise to strengthen our legs alongside our belly.
1. We sleep on the back, if possible on a mattress or board
2. The legs are flat, the arms are on the head. It can be useful to cling once.
3. Now, we are pulling our legs towards the chest.
4. We lower the legs but do not touch the place.
Regardless of the type of exercises, remember we must do a yawn after all.
Take a look at our "A Straight Abdominal Exercise" for more. In our "A Straight Abdominal Exercise" practice, you will find enough exercise visuals to have a great abdomen structure. Now download our "A Straight Abdominal Exercise" application and extract the joy.

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