Stump Me - Can you pass it? icon

Stump Me - Can you pass it?

5.1.0 for Android
4.0 | 10,000,000+ Pemasangan | Ulasan

Many Dots OL

Penerangan tentang Stump Me - Can you pass it?

Are you smart for sure? Are you the real riddle master?
Take this brain out brain test to find out if you're a real genius brain or not! xD Erase story or erase your brain with the riddle!
Stump Me is a new addictive free brain puzzle game that full of brain teasers and tricky games which you can entertain yourself with funny brain teasers and puzzle. Each brain teaser in this brain game is unique, original and creative designed to push you thinking limit.
Are you smart enough to beat your friends in brain test?Guess who has a smart brain? Take these tricky test challenges to find the real smart one!
Tips: The most obvious answer is usually wrong! Break out the rules and run your imagination, think outside the box to find the answer of these brain puzzles now!
Don't get tricked! Guess who wins? You or the trick?


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  • Memerlukan Android:
    Android 5.0 or later
  • Pembangun:
    Many Dots OL
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  • avatar
    🌈😚 Sweet Home ✨ 🏠❤🏠💃💛🏃🎶🎶 🌈
    2021-01-30 04:18
  • avatar
    Mantap kali gak ada obat ni game !!!!!!! Makasih yang telah buat game ni. mantap ni game haha sekali lagi makasih telah buat game ni. Aahh seru dan best mantap
    2021-01-11 04:26
  • avatar
    Ada org tu bodh dia kata byk iklan wkwwkwk.bodh nyeeeee dh tau byk iklan tutup la internet wkwkwwkwkwk.apa punya org tah.kalau korg menyesal ke download.kalau aku ckp ni salah tk pe korg bolh mrh tapi kalau setuju ngan apa yg aku ckp please like....bye
    2020-11-16 05:56
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    Tak guna
    2020-11-02 08:19
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    I won!
    2020-09-28 11:02
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    Sronok jugak ar layan game nie...tpi... Knp bile dh smpi xsilap lv.5 kowt..yg soalan dye mengenai botol arak 6bj tu ade yg berbeza tak..HAA!!.. tang situ la.. knp xde stu pn yg ditekan tu btul..asyik kluar pangkah(X) je smua.. ape jwpan yg btulnye dn mcm mna nk lanjutkn ke ep.seterusnye plak???? #KEPADA PIHAK ADMIN..TOLONGG LA SAYA... #TOLONG LA SAYA BAGAIMANA SAYA NK MLNJUTKN LAVEL SETERUSNYA???😣😢😵
    2020-06-08 01:42