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Dolphin Emulator

5.0-20094 for Android
4.0 | 10,000,000+ Pemasangan | Ulasan

Dolphin Emulator

Penerangan tentang Dolphin Emulator

Versi Beta Emulator Dolphin rasmi, dikemas kini setiap bulan dengan penambahbaikan terkini kepada perisian kami.
Aplikasi ini tidak datang dengan permainan.Anda mesti memiliki dan memperoleh permainan anda sendiri untuk menggunakannya dengan lumba-lumba.
Lawati laman web kami di dan terima sokongan di forum kami!Berlesen oleh GNU GPL v2, dan kod sumber penuh tersedia melalui repositori Git awam di

Apa yang Baru dengan Dolphin Emulator 5.0-20094

The April 2023 update overhauls how controllers are handled! If you've set up controllers before, you'll need to set them up again, but in exchange you'll get lots of new options.
We've also made Dolphin's User folder easier to access and added audio emulation for the Skylanders: Trap Team portal.
As usual, you can find the details in the Progress Report:


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  • Memerlukan Android:
    Android 5.0 or later
  • Pembangun:
    Dolphin Emulator
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  • avatar
    Buat orang yang tak tahu, download dulu game sebelum menilai, jadi bijak jangan bodoh
    2024-02-20 04:16
  • avatar
    The Emulator can Completely run any Gamecube and Wii Games but I had Facing some issue when i tried to play The Legend Of Zelda - The Wind Waker (On Gamecube) it say Failed to submit Command buffer. I tried to fix this by Installing some Custom Gpu Driver on My Device to fix this problem but it didn't working. I hope the Developer Team always keep update this Emulator To fix this problem.
    2024-02-18 02:21
  • avatar
    Touch ir pointer tu memang tidak ada fungsi ke dekat Android 13?
    2024-02-10 11:13
  • avatar
    2024-01-17 06:47
  • avatar
    Why every game that I play always crash
    2023-10-23 02:41
  • avatar
    Tolong updatekan untuk android 13 kerana sering "force close" and the you know? I suka very much ini apk kalau you perbaiki🥰
    2023-10-13 03:22