Pragati Films is A Top bhojpuri music record label from India. We offers Pragati Films Bhojpuri app For Bhojpuri mp3 songs and Bhojpuri music from popular bhojpuri albums and movies for free. All the latest tracks of famous bhojpuri artists such as Pawan Singh, Ravi Kishan, Dinesh Lal Yadav "Nirahua", Kalpana and many others, are available for streaming. It has more than 1000 tracks of more than 500 artists of different categories such as Bhojpuri lokgeet, Bhojpuri devi geet, Bhojpuri chath geet,Bhojpuri bhakti albums and Bhojpuri movie songs.
1. Banner Poster Look Prity
2. Album Catogary Problem Solve
3. In Notifiction Bar Player Close Button Problam Solve.
4. Songs Poster Problem Solve