Bket Save

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On your last grocery trip, did you pay the best price for items in your Basket? Did you find everything you needed or did you have to go to more than one store? Join Basket now and never overpay for groceries again. By starting your shopping trip with Basket, you can search local stores to compare prices of products, find in store, unadvertised sales and save up to 60% on your shopping trip.
Basket is a community of smart shoppers that are tired of shopping blind and that love saving time and money every time they go shopping. Our community shares the prices they find on everyday items with each other to make sure you find your favorite products at stores you love at the best prices possible.
Join the Basket community today and always know before you go!

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Dikemas kini:

Versi Semasa: 1.0.12

Memerlukan Android: Android 4.0.3 or later


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