ikon Daily Yoga Workouts, Poses & Classes

Daily Yoga Workouts, Poses & Classes

3.4 for Android
3.0 | 5,000+ Instal

FitReady - Fitness & Yoga Workouts

Penjabaran dari 9apps YogaWorkout

Big event coming! 20,000+ users downloaded YogaWorkout latest version on 9Apps for free every week! More features are involved in this new version. This hot app was released on 2018-09-22. If you still need more information collecting extra factors, read below.
Daily Yoga Workouts that bring Happiness for your Body & Mind. Become stronger, leaner and more flexible all at the same time!
Why should you practice Yoga daily? (As we like to say: Yoga every damn day)
* It will make you stronger
* You will gain flexibility AND mobility
* It will improve your posture
* Meditate and gain a sense of inner calm
* It helps with concentration
* Build your self confidence
* Helps you with weight management
* Helps with your stress relief
* You will sleep better
Contains beginner and more advanced Exercises, Poses and Asanas to get you motivated for daily Yoga workouts. All exercises and workouts contain instructions and tips on how to perform them correctly.
A few of the Yoga Exercises & Poses included: (Daily updated)
* Ab Scoop
* Boat Pose
* Cat and Cow
* Chair Pose
* Cobra
* Cow Face Pose
* Downward Facing Dog
* Eagle Pose
* Half moon Pose
* Kapalabahati
* King Dancer Pose
* Knee to Ankle Pose
* Morning Salutation
* Mountain Pose
* Salutation Variation with Jump
* Sun Salutation
* Table Pose
* Triangle Pose
* Upword Facing Dog
* Warrior Pose
* Wild Thing Pose
Download our app and get started with your Body & Mind transformation, today!
Latihan Yoga Harian yang membawa Kebahagiaan untuk Tubuh & Pikiran Anda. Menjadi lebih kuat, lebih ramping dan lebih fleksibel pada saat yang bersamaan!
Mengapa Anda harus berlatih Yoga setiap hari? (Seperti yang kami katakan: Yoga setiap hari)
* Ini akan membuat Anda lebih kuat
* Anda akan mendapatkan fleksibilitas DAN mobilitas
* Ini akan memperbaiki postur Anda
* Bermeditasi dan dapatkan ketenangan batin
* Ini membantu dengan konsentrasi
* Bangun kepercayaan diri Anda
* Membantu Anda dengan manajemen berat badan
* Membantu menghilangkan stres Anda
* Anda akan tidur lebih nyenyak
Berisi pemula dan Latihan yang lebih maju, Poses dan Asana untuk membuat Anda termotivasi untuk latihan Yoga harian. Semua latihan dan latihan berisi instruksi dan tips tentang cara melakukannya dengan benar.
Beberapa Latihan Yoga & Poses termasuk: (Diperbarui setiap hari)
* Ab Scoop
* Pose Perahu
* Kucing dan Sapi
* Pose Kursi
* Cobra
* Pose Wajah Sapi
* Downward Facing Dog
* Pose Elang
Pose setengah bulan
* Kapalabahati
* Pose Dancer Raja
* Knee to Ankle Pose
* Salam Pagi
* Pose Gunung
* Variasi Salutasi dengan Jump
* Sun Salutation
* Pose Meja
* Pose Segitiga
* Upacara Menghadapi Anjing
* Pose Prajurit
* Pose Wilding
Unduh aplikasi kami dan mulailah dengan transformasi Tubuh & Pikiran Anda, hari ini!

Memperbarui YogaWorkout 3.4

Become stronger, leaner and more flexible with our unique integration of Yoga exercises and daily workouts. We are constantly updating the app to make it better.


  • Kategori:
    Kesehatan & Kebugaran
  • Versi Terbaru:
  • Perbarui:
  • Ukuran File:
  • Persyaratan:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Diupdate:
    FitReady - Fitness & Yoga Workouts
  • ID: