Doragon Legend
RPG | 77.4MB
Strategy in Line up, matching cards and skills. Players can enjoy immersive adventure within the game. Let’s fight!
Game Features:
Nekketsu Storyline
-Start a new adventure with your favorite Martialists
-Choose and cultivate them, become powerful Saiyan
Intensive&Exciting Battle
-Real-time battles, Endless Challenge
-Win Budokai Champion
Various Gameplays
-Martialists Collection
-Easy control fight
-Fierce Clan Battle
-Release multiple combos and moves
Strategi dalam Line up, kartu yang cocok, dan keterampilan. Pemain dapat menikmati petualangan mendalam dalam game. Ayo berjuang!
Fitur Game:
Nekketsu Storyline
-Mulai petualangan baru dengan Martialists favorit Anda
-Pilih dan kelola mereka, menjadi Saiyan yang kuat
Pertempuran Intensif & Menyenangkan
Pertempuran -Real-time, Endless Challenge
-Win Budokai Champion
Berbagai Gameplays
Koleksi -Martialists
Pertarungan kendali -Mudah
Pertempuran Klan-Sengit
- Lepaskan beberapa kombo dan gerakan