Bend the Light (by x64games) - puzzle game for android - gameplay.
Lit: Bend the Light [Any%] by Tricrow - #UKSGSummer2020
LIT - Bend the Light #02 - let's play 🎇 Halbrunde im Bunde [Gameplay PC, Deutsch]
LIT - Bend the Light #03 - let's play 🎇 Kopfblockade durch Glasblöcke [Gameplay PC, German]
Bend the Light - Напрягаем мозги на Android( Review)
LIT - Bend the Light #05 - let's play 🎇 Glaubst du, du bist durch? [Gameplay PC, German]
Spieglein, Spieglein... | LIT: Bend the Light | Let's Play deutsch
LIT - Bend the Light Teil 2: Lichtbeuger - Let's Play|Deutsch