窮小子一覺醒來發現自己穿越成了太子,開局就被仙人跳,轉身睡服絕美小媽,舌戰群儒, 封狼居胥,醉臥美人膝,醒掌天下權,成就千古一帝【风流太子Romantic Prince】
“The rich man who was betrayed by his girlfriend and gained the ability to travel back in time.
一口氣大結局!🤡美強慘編劇穿書逆襲:她憑劇本改命,步步為營翻轉人生!《逆襲人生之情定大士院成品》#kk追劇girl #最火短剧推荐 #短劇全集 #甜寵 #短劇 #drama #穿越 #復仇 #爽文
A PhD time-travels as a county magistrate, overcomes disasters and evil forces, loved by Empress!
落魄少年意外救下美女總裁成為她的貼身保鏢,一步步征服美女總裁和她的性感閨蜜,暗中修煉逍遙神決逆襲成為新任神王!#短劇 #男頻 #逆襲
sly girls want to bully rural girl, but unexpectedly she had Kung Fu ,beat them all
After dumping the cheating scumbag, she was spoiled by his handsome and powerful tycoon!
A poor lad becomes the antidote for a drugged female CEO, but he is the fearsome Dragon Emperor!