Mp3 Music Player, helps you to listen music in any formats MP3, OGG, WAV, MP4, M4A e.t.c.
Our player could automatically analyzes files on your phone and sort it on: playlists, artists, songs, albums and splits by genre.
- Automatically search and sort music on your phone
- Creating your custom playlists
- Supported music formats mp3,
mp4/m4a, ogg, wma*, flac, wav, ape, wv, tta, mpc, aiff
- Play any artist, album, or playlist on shuffle mode
- Convenient file manager
- Works without Internet access
Permissions Explained:
# read sensitive log data --> To send the crash report to the developer.
# read, modify or delete the contents of your USB storage --> To read, modify or delete the music files.
# full network access & view network connections --> To show Ads and also to crash report to the developer.
# prevent device from sleeping --> Playback screen will not sleep when a song is playing.
Baf fixes and ads reduced