Einfache App um ihre Musik (mp3) online zu hören und runterzuladen.
- Musik online suchen und runterlade
- One-Click music download
- Bluetooth controls
- Media Widget
- Einfache Filtermöglichkeiten für Ihre Mediabibliothek
- Freitext Suche
- Über1000 FM Radio Stations Streams
- Filter Radio bei Land und Freitextsuche
All the music in app provided by ccmixter.org and jamendo.com using official query api http://ccmixter.org/query-api and https://www.jamendo.com/legal/licenses due to terms of use. All music published under Creative Commons - ""Attribution"" license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/. We are not affiliated with ccmixter.org website."