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Cervical erosion is a defect in the mucosa, accompanied by the formation of columnar epithelial cells. We have to recognize that this diagnosis is facing almost every second woman. This condition can occur for a long time, not at all, and found quite by accident during a gynecological examination.
The erosion of the uterus is dangerous because it leads to the development of viral and infectious diseases, representing a precancerous condition.
Why is cervical erosion occurs - the main cause of the disease
Cervical erosion can occur for various reasons. Among the most common factors, experts allocate:
- Exposure to sexually transmitted infections (particularly ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, candida, warts)
- Dysbacteriosis vagina.
- Cervical trauma during childbirth or as a result of abortion.
- Inflammation of the vagina or appendages (adnexitis, coleitis).
- Endocrine disorders.
- Cervical injury when using any chemical barrier contraceptives.
- Total violation of the body's immunity.
- If you frequently change partners.
- Adverse hereditary factors.
Cervical erosion is accompanied by characteristic symptoms:
Partly cervical erosion hardly leads to symptoms, it develops without symptoms. Can only identify as a result of examination by a doctor. That is why gynecologists strongly recommended for all women of inspection at least twice a year. If erosion has grown, occupying more than half the surface of the cervix, the disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. They usually appear in the form of pain during intercourse, bleeding in the middle of the cycle. When cervical erosion progresses, there are strong burning and itching in the vagina, painful sensations in the lower abdomen, lower back pain, bleeding after intercourse.
At the same time to develop a permanent erosion of the action of microorganisms in the vagina. Erosion of the cervix becomes a gateway for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, herpes simplex virus, chlamydia, other infections. They give rise to cervicitis - a chronic inflammation of the cervix.
Treatment of cervical erosion
The diagnosis of cervical erosion is confirmed by colposcopy. To do this takes a smear cytology or piece of cloth to perform biopsy with pathological cervical mucus site. Produced study material taken to exclude oncology. Treatment may be carried out by various methods, including erosion cauterization, laser ablation, etc. diathermocoagulation.
Laser removal of cervical erosion
A modern and effective method for the treatment of cervical erosion, which allows to maintain healthy tissue, with rapid healing without scarring. It is generally recommended such treatment erosion for nulliparous women.
Produced moxibustion erosion. For this to cauterize tissue neck high-frequency current epithelium. The most common method in the practice of antenatal clinics.
The procedure is based on the cervix freezing with liquid nitrogen. This procedure does not involve damage to healthy tissue.
Chemical coagulation
This treatment method involves the processing of erosion with the help of special drugs aimed at eliminating abnormal cells. The method of treatment does not lead to scarring, may use it for nulliparous women.
Radiowave treatment of cervical erosion
It is considered the most gentle method of treatment, with the evaporation of the damaged epithelial cells under the influence of radio waves - no abrasions, burns or scars, reducing the need to spend time on the healing and rehabilitation period.
Summing up, we emphasize - cervical erosion requires mandatory treatment to eliminate the risk of benign or malignant tumors.
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