SQL Prozram : Learn SQL Commands & ORACLE Function

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SQL Prozram is built keeping in mind the University level syllabus for students to learn SQL.
This SQL Tutorial has been divided as per difficulty level of commands used in SQL like SQL Basic and SQL Advanced to make it easy for students to learn SQL as per difficulty.
This Prozram SQL Tutorial further has a very simple presentation to Learn SQL with a Syntax that can be implemented in Different Databases like:
4) DB2
This SQL tutorial will help learn SQL basic concepts and also provide them enhanced SQL training.
A timeline about SQL Introduction is also added to make user understand how SQL came into existence and its use.
SQL Prozram is a simple tutorial to provide you with a Syntax of the SQL Commands and a Sample Program to show how SQL Commands can be implemented.
A small description about types of SQL Commands :
1) Data Definition Language(DDL)
2) Data Manipulation Language(DML)
3) Data Query Language(DQL)
4) Transaction Control Language(TCL)
5) Data Control Language(DCL)
SQL Tutorial also provides the Procedural Extensions of SQL in Different Databases like :
• PSM(Persistent Stored Modules)
• PSQL(Procedural SQL)
• SQL PL(SQL Procedural Language)
• SPL(Stored Procedural Language)
• NZPLSQL(based on Postgres PL/pgSQL)
• PSQL(Invantive Procedural SQL)
• T-SQL(Transact-SQL)
• SSP(Starkey Stored Procedures)
• PL/SQL(Procedural Language/SQL)
• PL/pgSQL(Procedural Language/PostgreSQL Structured Query Language)
• ABAP(Advanced Business Application Programming)
• SQLScript
• Watcom-SQL(SQL Anywhere Watcom-SQL Dialect)
• SPL(Stored Procedural Language)
Under SQL BASIC you will:
• Learn SQL ALIAS in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL AND in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL BETWEEN in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL DELETE in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL DISTINCT in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL EXCEPT in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL EXISTS in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL FROM in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL GROUP BY in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL HAVING in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL IN in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL INSERT in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL INTERSECT in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL IS NOT NULL in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL IS NULL in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL LIKE in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL MINUS in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL NOT in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL OR in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL ORDER BY in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL SELECT in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL SELECT LIMIT in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL TRUNCATE in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL UNION in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL UNION ALL in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL UPDATE in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
• Learn SQL WHERE in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Basic.
Under SQL ADVANCE you will:
• Learn SQL ALTER TABLE in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Advance.
• Learn SQL COMMENTS in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Advance.
• Learn SQL CREATE TABLE in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Advance.
• Learn SQL CREATE TABLE AS in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Advance.
• Learn SQL DROP TABLE in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Advance.
• Learn SQL GLOBAL TEMP in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Advance.
• Learn SQL INDEXES in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Advance.
• Learn SQL CONSTRAINTS in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Advance.
• Learn SQL UNIQUE in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Advance.
• Learn SQL PRIMARY KEY in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Advance.
• Learn SQL VIEWS in PROZRAM SQL Tutorial Advance.
Under SQL FUNCTION you will:
New 50 SQL Oracle Functions

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Neue Funktionen SQL Prozram : Learn SQL Commands & ORACLE Function

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Aktuelle Version: 1.1.0

Anforderungen: Android 4.1 or later


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