Laskar Berlian

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Gesundheit & Fitness | 3.4MB

Die Beschreibung von

Upaya Pemerintah Sanggau untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang betapa penting nya kesehatan bagi hidup kita serta bagaimana menerapkan kesadaran tersebut kepada masyarakat dilingkungannya agar masyarakat tetap sehat.
Mari budayakan kebersihan lingkungan seperti tempat-tempat genangan air dan sejenisnya agar terhindar dari bahaya nyamuk!
Aplikasi ini hanya diperuntukkan bagi masyarakat Kabupaten Sanggau.
Sanggau Government's efforts to raise public awareness about the importance of health for our lives and how to apply this awareness to the community in their environment so that the community remains healthy.
Let's cultivate environmental cleanliness such as puddles and the like to avoid the danger of mosquitoes!
This application is only for the people of Sanggau Regency.

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Aktuelle Version: 1.0

Anforderungen: Android 4.0.3 or later


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