টি ভিউ
15 Year Old YAASHWIN SARAWANAN Is A HUMAN CALCULATOR! | Asia's Got Talent 2019 on AXN Asia
Become a Human Calculator with Vedic Mathematics (part-1)
Look now, Student Abacus solves the biggest math calculations in just a few seconds #maths #shorts
Abacus आपके बच्चों को बनाता है गणित में जीनियस #abacus #maths #education #school #kids #amazing
Brain Workout by the Fastest Human Calculator 🇮🇳 #shorts #olympics #fitness #workout
#shorts How do I calculate this fast? | Fastest Human Calculator
Math Magician : दुनिया का सबसे तेज मानव कैलकुलेटर नीलकंठ भानू | Latest News | News State
कैलकुलेटर से तेज 15 साल का human calculator | YAASHWIN SARAWANAN | #Shorts #Respect