Phone Number HLR Lookup
টুল | 3.0MB
Input telephone number to find the telephone number HLR (Home Location Register) location. This application find the location of telephone number based of the prefix (HLR).
Phone Number HLR Lookup does not have the ability to know the details of a number of information such as name, address, position, etc., because the detailed information of a number is the privacy of the owners of numbers known only to those operators and the authorities.
How to use :
1. Input your phone number (don't forget the country code)
Example : 618392123214
2. Press button check
Fix get data problem
আপডেট করা হয়েছে: 2016-08-31
বর্তমান ভার্সন: 1.0
Android প্রয়োজন: Android 4.0 or later