Lagu Inka Christie MP3 Offline Lengkap

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মিউজিক ও অডিও | 35.1MB


halo teman teman bagi kalian para penggemar lagu Inka Christie, maka disini tempatnya. karena pada aplikasi ini kami menyediakan berbagai lagu Inka Christie yang cukup lengkap dan dapat kalian nikmati semua secara gratis.
Lagu Inka Christie MP3 Offline adalah aplikasi pemutar musik yang berisi berbagai lagu Inka Christie yang sangat lengkap, dimana setiap lagu Inka Christie pada aplikasi ini bisa kalian putar secara offline tanpa kuota, sehingga kalian bebas memutar lagunya kapanpun tanpa harus memikirkan kehabisan kuota internet.
lagu Inka Christie offline ini selain tidak menggunakan internet, lagunya bisa dijadikan nada dering loh dan selain itu semua lagunya sangat jernih untuk di dengar jadi kalian tidak rugi untuk mendownload aplikasi lagu Inka Christie ini.
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mangkanya yuk buruan di download aplikasi Lagu Inka Christie MP3 Offline ini.
berikut kami tampilkan juga biografi singkat dari Inka Christie ini :
Rinni Chries Hartono yang lebih dikenal sebagai Inka Christie (lahir di Bandung, 20 Januari 1975; umur 45 tahun) adalah penyanyi rock berkebangsaan Indonesia.
Putri bungsu dari empat bersaudara dari pasangan S.Suhariono dan Krimiati ini dikenal sebagai lady rocker era 90-an. Nama aslinya Rinni Chries Hartono, penyanyi seangkatan Nike Ardilla, Poppy Mercury, Mel Shandy dll. Ia pernah ikut mengasah vokal bersama Grup Band The Dreamer milik Dadi Suryadi di Jalan Ciroyom 49 Kota Bandung karena rumah orang tuanya waktu itu tinggal di Jalan Rajawali Bandung, tidak jauh dari basecamp The Dreamer. Saat ikut latihan bersama The Dreamer ia sering diantar oleh ibunya atau oleh kakaknya Haris.
Saat bersama The Dreamer, beberapa kali ikut mengisi acara bersama Tetty Kadi karena pada saat itu rumahnya Tetty Kadi di Jalan Sumbawa 27 menjadi tempat ngumpulnya penyanyi dan musisi. Bagi penyanyi di Kota Bandung saat itu, Sumbawa 27 menjadi base camp-nya penyanyi dan musisi Kota Bandung. Karena di tempat penyanyi senior ini sering dapat kontrak untuk mengisi acara-acara di TVRI pusat, maupun mengadakan road show ke daerah-daerah. Waktu itu yang menjadi band pengiringnyaThe Xavarian milik Oeh Suryadi, dan grup yang sering dibawa antara lain Staccato-nya Aa Bachtiar/Acep Bachtiar dan The Dreamer beberapa kali diajak manggung bersama tim besarnya Tetty Kadi.
Tetty Kadi sendiri rutin mengisi acara di TVRI baik untuk acara tv nasional "Aneka Ria Safari" maupun untuk acara tv lokal Bandung "Talaraga". Salah satu lagu favorit yang sering dinyanyikan Inka saat itu "The Final Countdown"-nya Europe. Selain Inka, yang sering ikut bersama The Dreamer pada saat itu antara lain vokalis Essex Band, Berry Essex (Alm).
Tidak lama setelah bersama The Dreamer ikut mengisi acara-acara Tetty Kadi, melalui manajer The Dreamer saat itu Aep S Abdullah, Inka diminta hadir oleh Tetty Kadi ke Jalan Sumbawa 27 untuk test vokal. Tetty Kadi rupanya tertarik oleh vokal gadis yang masih duduk di SMA YWKA waktu itu, sehingga menawarkan ke saudaranya A. Riyanto yang waktu itu menjadi bos di Musica Studio, untuk masuk dapur rekaman. Dan, melalui perusahaan inilah nama Inka Chriesti melejit setelah duetnya bersama Amy Search.
Ia tak hanya dikenal di Indonesia tetapi juga di negeri jiran Malaysia. Ia mulai populer di setelah mengeluarkan single Cinta Kita bersama Amy Search pada tahun 1991 dan album Gambaran Cinta pada tahun 1992.
Pada tahun 2007, Inka membentuk grup band Q-ta beraliran pop bersama Reza (gitar), Ngguh (bass), Lala (keyboard) dan Hadle (drum). Album pertamanya ialah Mencari Cinta dirilis pada tahun 2008.
hello friends for you fans of the song Inka Christie, then this is the place. because in this application we provide a variety of songs Inca Christie which is quite complete and you can enjoy all for free.
The Inka Christie MP3 Offline song is a music player application that contains various complete Inka Christie songs, where each Inka Christie song on this application can be played offline without a quota, so you are free to play the song at any time without having to think about running out of internet quota.
Inka Christie's songs are offline, besides not using the internet, the songs can be used as ringtones and besides that all the songs are very clear to hear so you have nothing to lose to download the Inka Christie song application.
The following are the best features of the Offline MP3 Inka Christie Song application
- the application contains the song Inka Christie that is very complete
- Inka Christie's song application is free
- clear voice
- all Inka Christie's songs can be played automatically
- The application size is very small so it doesn't take up much memory of the cellphone
and many more the best features of this application.
let's download the Inka Christie MP3 Offline app now.
Here we also display a short biography from Inka Christie:
Rinni Chries Hartono, better known as Inka Christie (born in Bandung, January 20, 1975; age 45) is an Indonesian rock singer.
The youngest daughter of four siblings from the S.Suhariono and Krimiati couple is known as the '90s era lady rocker. His real name is Rinni Chries Hartono, a contemporary of Nike Ardilla, Poppy Mercury, Mel Shandy etc. He once honed vocals with The Dreamer Band Group owned by Dadi Suryadi on Jalan Ciroyom 49 in Bandung because his parents' house at that time lived on Jalan Rajawali Bandung, not far from the Dreamer base camp. When participating in training with The Dreamer he was often escorted by his mother or by his sister Haris.
When with The Dreamer, several times took part in the program with Tetty Kadi because at that time his house in Jalan Sumbawa 27 became a gathering place for singers and musicians. For singers in the city of Bandung at the time, Sumbawa 27 became the base camp for Bandung city singers and musicians. Because in this place the senior singer can often contract to fill out shows on central TVRI, as well as holding road shows to the regions. At that time, Oeh Suryadi's The Xavarian band accompanied him, and groups that were often brought included Aa Bachtiar / Acep Bachtiar's Staccato and The Dreamer several times were invited to a gig with a large team of Tetty Kadi.
Tetty Kadi himself regularly fills shows on TVRI both for the national tv show "Aneka Ria Safari" and for the local Bandung TV program "Talaraga". One of the favorite songs that was often sung by Inca at that time was "The Final Countdown" of Europe. In addition to Inka, who often participated with The Dreamer at the time included Essex Band vocalist, Berry Essex (Alm).
Not long after being with The Dreamer to take part in Tetty Kadi's events, through the manager of The Dreamer at that time Aep S Abdullah, Inka was asked to be present by Tetty Kadi to Jalan Sumbawa 27 for a vocal test. Tetty Kadi was apparently attracted by the vocals of the girl who was still in YWKA High School at the time, thus offering her brother A. Riyanto, who was the boss at Musica Studio, to enter the recording kitchen. And, through this company the name Inka Chriesti soared after its duet with Amy Search.
He is not only known in Indonesia but also in neighboring Malaysia. He became popular after releasing the single Cinta Kita with Amy Search in 1991 and the album Gambaran Cinta in 1992.
In 2007, Inka formed a pop Q-ta band with Reza (guitar), Ngguh (bass), Lala (keyboard) and Hadle (drums). His first album, Looking for Love, was released in 2008.

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আপডেট করা হয়েছে:

বর্তমান ভার্সন: 1.0

Android প্রয়োজন: Android 4.1 or later


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