This story takes place in a once barren land, where Zeus created civilization. Over time, Zeus grew lazy and an evil Shade appeared and wreaking havoc, bringing waves of evil to all.
Now, a lone mage, pretty and strong stands alone as the only savior in a quest for light over darkness.
Follow her on this Roguelike adventure; don’t lose though or you’ll have to begin from scratch again!
Use magic and more in this new and unique gameplay with various skills and super fun world!
- Spin-off from Archero’s IP, opening an all-new form of adventure
- First Roguelite RPG combined with Block Breaker Gameplay
- Super easy controls
- 100 Skills with infinite combinations!
- Thousands of stages!
Customer Service:
New Chloe skin: Fidget Spinner
New PunRank season: Ancient Woodlord Clash
New SS Grade Pet: Ancient Woodlord
New event: Lucky Bingo
New PunPass: Christmas Party