Wisdom Over Wars app (WOW) provides new revolutionary problem-solving method that will bring a permanent end to all human-made problems and sufferings.
No traditional way of problem-solving seems to eradicate wars on earth, but this app may change that.
By demonstrating that how we see ourselves and others is contradictory to how everyone exists.
Because we are unaware that our senses are lying to us.
How are they lying?
Our senses tell us that all humans possess their own-existence (own-self), and all of us assume this must be correct.
How inaccurate are our senses?
All humans share the same self (being/existence); thus, every human is you too.
There is no science or logic that can disprove this argument.
However, they can prove our senses are inaccurate and all human beings share the same self (being/existence); thus, every person shares the same self with you.
If we all are the same self, how do we exist?
The only difference between humans are the labels we create for convenience's sake. Names such as "another", "you", "I", "Palestinian", "Israeli", "American", "black", "white", etc. The label of "another" is merely a concept placed on someone who shares the same self as me. So, in concepts, there is "you" and "I", yet we are still the same self.
Everything exists this way without exception, not even atoms, the consciousness, mind, or soul.
How will this help end wars?
This is the ultimate argument against wars, making any act of violence an act against oneself. With this simple free app, we are striving to help end the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and other wars.
How will this app do that?
It will challenge your senses and allow you to see the truth of how people exist versus how they appear to exist to your senses.
Contest Rules:
To win up to $11K, you must provide viable evidence that a person possesses her/his own-self according to the following 3 requirements.
A person possessing her/his own-self must be:
1. Singular entity (no parts or halves)
2. Able to self-produce (not produced or caused)
3. Not needing the name/label of "person" to exist as a person
If you can demonstrate that all 3 points are true about any person, you'll win the following:
$10K if you are a civilian.
$11K if you are a police officer or military.
Editor Alexandra Sullivan
App now available in Mandarin (Traditional Chinese language)