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Last Message

1.2.3 for Android
4.3 | 500,000+ Installs | Reviews

42 Arts

Description of Last Message

Can something be so scary to let someone mad just by hear about?
All begins when someone sends you a message from one of your friend's cellphone calling for help to escape from a situation so complicated as obscure. Choose the option that looks more appropriate and face the consequences, guiding a complete stranger through tunnels, passing by creatures capables of inspire madness in the eyes of the observer. Your choices doesn't change just the story, but who you are inside it. Find the exit or lost yourself in the progress.
The game is short, but it has a lot of references to H. P. Lovecraft's stories.
* 8 possible different endings ( 1 secret end, after you got all others), in paths that cross each other.
* 31 game achievements.
* Before you comment "very short game", try to get all the 9 endings. Find one end is easy, the challenge is to get them all! (But it is really a short game... You don't need to say that in the comments)
* You can change the language in the game's title screen, just clicking in the flag. Only in ENGLISH and PORTUGUESE.
====MORE GAMES====
Extended Version (more endings and achievements): Last Message
Last Message 2 (Only in portuguese until now)
====MORE INFO====
There is a reference guide explaining the names and references in the game (only in portuguese):
Guide to the endings (in portuguese only):
Wanna talk?


What's New with Last Message 1.2.3

* Bugs fixed.
* Added permission to access developer's page (my page) at store.


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  • Requirements:
    Android 4.0 or later
  • Developer:
    42 Arts
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  • avatar
    An interesting storyline! I think a walkthrough would be helpful though, as some of the endings are a bit hard to get.
    2020-07-02 13:04
  • avatar
    I liked it :)
    2020-02-02 18:47
  • avatar
    I hate this game. I don't get the point of this game. I just didn't find it intersting, at all.
    2020-01-31 06:28
  • avatar
    Is really good
    2019-10-24 06:46
  • avatar
    I thought it was quite fun to go through all the options and unlock all achievements and endings, but maybe include a walkthrough in the future? At least for the endings, I struggled with #5. As someone that speaks both portuguese and english I can say the translation is very well done! Even if you don't know portuguese, you can finish the whole game (yes I played it in english.) It's just as promised, short and H. P. Lovecraft all over. I'd only have liked if there were more horror elements.
    2019-02-26 10:37
  • avatar
    A pretty short game, but enjoyable.
    2019-02-17 04:31