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Capsa Susun(Free Poker Casino) for Android
4.0 | 1,000,000+ Installs | Reviews

Funplay World

Description of Capsa Susun

Semua aplikasi berkualitas baik tersedia untuk di download. 20,000+ Pengguna mendownload Capsa Susun(Free Poker Casino) versi terbaru di 9Apps secara gratis! Dengan menggunakan ini, kamu jadi tambah pintar. Aplikasi HOT ini di rilis tanggal 2019-01-08. Setelah Anda tahu lebih lanjut tentang aplikasi ini, pasti Anda akan mengunakannya di HP anda.
Capsa Susun TOPFUN adalah permainan yang sangat menarik dan popular di seluruh dunia sebagai free casino app, dimana setiap pemain membutuhkan ketangkasan dan kecerdasan yg tinggi. Permainan ini bisa dimainkan oleh siapa saja dan dimana saja. Tentunya capsa Susu sudah tidak asing lagi bukan? Chapsa Susun ini sudah menjadi top funny games yang sangat diminati oleh banyak orang Khususnya di Indonesia.
Fungsi Spesial Top funny games Chapsa susun
★ SUPER FREEpoker!! susun capsa gratis semuanya dan selamanya!
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- Login cepat tanpa registrasi dengan Facebook
- Chat di meja dengan emotion lokal yang menarik
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Panduan Capsa susun
Free poker susun capsa ini menggunakan 52 kartu (kartu standard remi), kartu terendah adalah kartu 2, kemudian 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, As... Selain itu juga ditentukan bedasarkan kembang kartu-kartu (flower) – Urutan dari tinggi - rendah: spades ♠, hearts ♥, clubs ♣, diamond ♦.
Dalam permainan Susun capsa(chapsa susun) freepoker ini, jumlah pemain 2-4 orang,setiap pemain akan dibagikan 13 buah kartu,pemain bertugas untuk menyusun ke-13 buah kartu tersebut menjadi susunan kartu terbaik. Kartu-kartu akan dibagi menjadi 3 susunan baris.
Baris ke-1 : 3 kartu
Baris ke-2 : 5 kartu
Baris ke-3 : 5 kartu
Susunan kartu paling bawah harus memiliki nilai kombinasi lebih besar dibandingkan kartu tengah, demikian pula kartu tengah harus mempunyi nilai kombinasi yang lebih tinggi daripada kartu teratas.
Berikut adalah susunan kombinasi kartu-kartu Chapsa susun dari mulai yang terbaik hingga terendah :Royal Straight Flush
Straight Flush
Four of a Kind
Full House
Three of a Kind
Double Pair
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KlubFans FB:
Capsa Susun TOPFUN is a very exciting game and popular around the world as a free casino app, where every player requires dexterity and intelligence eminence. This game can be played by anyone, anywhere. Milk capsa certainly already familiar does not it? Arrange Chapsa this has to be top funny games that is in demand by many Particularly in Indonesia.
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- Login quickly without registration with Facebook
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Capsa Free stacking
Free poker capsa stacking using 52 cards (standard playing cards), the lowest card is the card 2, then 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, As ... In addition, bedasarkan determined cards flowers (flower) - A sequence of high - low: spades ♠, hearts ♥, clubs ♣, ♦ diamond.
In the game Arrange capsa (chapsa stacking) freepoker this, the number of players 2-4, each player will be dealt 13-card, the player in charge of preparing the 13 pieces of the card into the card arrangement best. The cards will be divided into 3 rows arrangement.
Row 1: 3 cards
Row 2: 5 cards
Row 3: 5 cards
The composition of the bottom card must have a value greater than the combination of the middle of the card, as well as the middle of the card must mempunyi combination of higher value than the top card.
Here is the arrangement of cards Chapsa combination stacking of the best start to lowest: Royal Straight Flush
Straight Flush
Four of a Kind
full House
Three of a Kind
Double Pair
What are you waiting for? Immediate download free casino play together milk ap Capsa yuk!
KlubFans FB: https: // Fref = ts

What's New with Capsa Susun

1. Perbaiki bug


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  • Requirements:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Developer:
    Funplay World
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  • avatar
    the app is always crash
    2020-11-09 04:39
  • avatar
    Do u guys know how to read English? I bought chips twice on 14 & 16 May 2020 using Google Payment but even until today I still didn't get my chips.I already sent feedback regarding my payment problems but even until now no one respond to me. EDITED: actually after I post this,I alrdy uninstall this game bcz I'm too mad n now after a few months,I install again n I saw I got the chips already.Tho no one respond to my messages but atleast I got my chips now.I hope there's no similar problems again.
    2020-10-09 08:42
  • avatar
    Very×100000 good game...1 time win,10000000000000000000000000000000 you will never win..then need to buy token🖕
    2020-09-18 06:32
  • avatar
    Cannot even enter the apps. Error. Please update for 5 stars.
    2020-08-18 09:00
  • avatar
    Can't open app. Why?
    2020-08-05 01:58
  • avatar
    Always have internet problem
    2020-07-20 12:38