The REI shopping app is your on-the-go companion to shop the outdoor gear and apparel you love.
Use our app to browse, check in-store availability and buy top-brand products for your outdoor pursuits. Find classes and events to grow your skills. Get daily deals in the REI Outlet and even build your gear and apparel wish list. Save your checkout details for quick, secure ordering. Plus, select the delivery method - including free same-day pickup on most items.
Easy shopping: Search, filter and buy the gear you love right from your phone. Shipping is always free to an REI store.
Access to membership card: Check your dividend, look up your member number and save it for easy retrieval.
Check store availability: Find the products you want at a nearby REI store. You can pay online and pick up in store for free!
Scan products in-store: Scan product barcodes to view product information and customer reviews (and keep building that dream wish list).
Sales notifications: Be the first to know about REI sales (because we all love a good gear deal).
Find classes and events: Register for classes, events and outings near you. (Pro tip: many activities are free!)
Quick checkout: Save checkout details, including REI gift cards for payment, for easy, peasy purchases.
Keep your device updated with the latest Android OS version to ensure the best REI shopping experience.
When you download or use an REI app, we collect information about you as described in our privacy policy:
Hello Co-op Members! This release includes:
-Updates to the shopping cart
-Bug fixes and performance enhancements