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Медицина онлайн

0.24.1 for Android
4.7 | 100,000+ Installs | Reviews

ООО "Медицина ИТ"

Description of Medicine online

Browse and download apps to your android phone from the App Store. 20,000+ users downloaded Medicine online latest version on 9Apps for free every week! The app can be the quickest one to play if you get used to it. This hot app was released on 2018-02-12. More apps was release recently, you can download them and share with your friends!
"Healthcare Online" application allows you in a few clicks appointment with the doctor in the Stavropol region and Karachayevo-Cherkessia.
As well, it allows you to learn the schedule of doctors.
Moreover, you can make an appointment not only themselves but also their families - for example, children or parents. The base of doctors and clinics are constantly replenished by increasing the customer base of the company "IT Medicine".
If the application is completed with an error, please, if possible, click the "Send Report". This will allow us to quickly correct mistakes.
We can not influence these situations and they should not be the cause of a bad evaluation:
• You did not find your city, institution, doctor. This is controlled by the institutions themselves, if ever, work with our software. The list of institutions with which we work https://goo.gl/A82xVV
• The doctor takes the wrong address, which you signed up. Sometimes the institution is discharged schedules are not distributed by branches of doctors.
• You have clicked on a free card and got the message that it is already occupied. So who is ahead of you.
• Coupons that you took in hospitals or terminal not shown in the appendix.
• Some doctors require the insertion direction, and through no terminal.
• Error: you are attached to another institution.
Please keep in mind these points when evaluating the application and do not rush to put a bad evaluation, if something went wrong. Write to us at apps@medicine-it.ru, and we will try to solve your problem!


What's New with Medicine online 0.24.1

Исправлено отображение участков у врачей (раньше участок мог отображаться у тех врачей, у которых его быть не должно).
Исправлена ошибка "Отсутствует соединение с Интернет" в момент подтверждения записи к врачу. Теперь указывается реальная причина отказа записи.
Исправлена ошибка постоянно открытой формы направления при выборе врача.


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    Спасибо, удобно
    2019-04-26 07:14
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    1. Реализуйте смену языка приложения в настройках.
    2018-03-14 04:32