Let me represent you my new Russia Flag and Coat of Arms Live Wallpapers with parallax effect, that has been created for your mobile phones and tablets especially.
The main accent is made on national symbols of Russian Federation: the flag, as a background and the coat of arms, as a basic element of wallpapers.
The application was developed with regard to minimize energy consumption. It takes only 2% of your device battery power.
When “sleep mode” is on or when another apps run on your device, Live Wallpapers suspended its work in order to save battery power
Outstanding Features:
1. Battery power save
2. Three-layers Russia Flag
3. Coat of Arms has its own shadow
4. Rapid work using OpenGL ES
Permission of the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION is necessary for the ad unit
P.S. Please, do not hesitate to send me all you notes and bugs via e-mail.
The ability to adjust the speed of movement is added.
To use the setting, you need to watch an ads once a minute, which requires the right to access the Internet and determine an approximate location.