Unofficial vMix Tally Light icon

Unofficial vMix Tally Light

1.0.35 for Android
4.0 | 10,000+ Installs | Reviews

Jeff Mikels

Description of Unofficial vMix Tally Light

Use any old phone as a beautiful tally device.
This app turns any Android Phone into a graphically beautiful tally indicator for live production when using vMix. Unlike the web page interface built into vMix, this app gives you additional features:
- Choose the color to use for live, preview and safe.
- Add a giant clock to the tally display.
- Treat multiple inputs as one and tally them together.
- Automatically start the tally when the app starts.
Additionally, by using an app like Macro Droid, you can have this app automatically launch when the phone boots turning your phone into an unattended tally device.
I'm eager to help, so if you have any problems, my contact information is available in the app.
Also, if you like this app, please check out my other app: Unofficial vMix Remote Control.

What's New with Unofficial vMix Tally Light 1.0.35

App can now auto-launch directly to previously configured Tally page.


  • Category:
  • Latest Version:
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  • Requirements:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Developer:
    Jeff Mikels
  • ID:
  • Available on:
  • avatar
    Works with last.vmix project, i cant use russian symbols in names. How to use: 1. Open your project 2. Close VMIX 3. Load last project 😁 Russian Alphabet: АБВГДЕЁЖЗИКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЬЫЪЭЮЯ The main problem os that i can't use this symbols in the titles. Blessings.
    2020-10-12 02:34
  • avatar
    not working
    2020-06-05 03:43