Compare Taxi: all taxi prices icon

Compare Taxi: all taxi prices

1.6.80 for Android
3.8 | 1,000,000+ Installs | Reviews

Сравни и закажи такси

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Description of Compare Taxi: all taxi prices

"CompareTaxi" compares the cost of a taxi among popular aggregator services - Yandex Go (Yandex Taxi), Citymobil, Indriver (Indriver), Uber, Maxim (Taxi Maxim), Omega (Omega), Mini (Mini), Gett, RuTaxi (Ru Taxi, Taxi Lucky), Taxofvichkoff. We help you choose the cheapest taxi among taxi aggregators.
The service works in such cities as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Krasnoyarsk, Krasnodar, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov, Ufa, Kazan and more than 100 cities in Russia and the CIS.
For convenience, in Moscow and Sochi, the cost of a car sharing trip is displayed. Car sharing services include BelkaCar, Delimobil and URentCar. We're working on getting the others involved.
The application calculates all prices for different taxi fares, after which you can choose and order the cheapest taxi in your city and save time and money on searching through aggregator applications. Choose waypoints, compare prices and choose the best taxi for you, friends and family! In some services, for faster car delivery, you can speed up the search through a special function inside the application after creating an order.
To save money and order a taxi cheaply or call a taxi to the airport, use the taxi search in one application and choose the most suitable taxi service and fare for you.
Compare among cheap rates.
Economy - a taxi for every day. Comfort and Comfort to relax in a spacious cabin. Children's - safe trips with children. Business - for connoisseurs of high-class service and trips to the airport for travel.
The application will help taxi drivers compare prices in their city to choose the most favorable working conditions for themselves and a taxi service to earn more.
For all questions, write to



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    Maps & Navigation
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    Android 5.0 or later
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    Сравни и закажи такси
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  • avatar
    Excellent Application and very useful to compare prices
    2020-09-20 11:19
  • avatar
    Спасибо, все круто
    2020-09-16 07:45
  • avatar
    не работает - только рекламный экран с попыткой установить еще какую-то левую приблуду.
    2020-06-28 20:33
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    Не удается запустить. Требует установить стороннее приложение
    2020-06-20 21:10
  • avatar
    Click "I Am Here" and nothing happens. App is broken.
    2020-06-09 15:53
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    2020-04-28 08:05