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2.3.0 for Android
4.8 | 1,000,000+ Installs | Reviews


Description of e-Tabib

Besides the information related to COVID-19 to get acquainted with personal information about medical and mandatory health insurance online please download the new version of the "e-Tabib" mobile application
It is possible to log in through mobile application in 2 ways: AsanLogin and with a mobile number.
When logging in with a mobile number:
- Learn about COVID-19 and useful medical information;
- It is possible to apply to the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance.
Helpful medical information includes:
- COVID-19 vaccination status;
- COVID-19 current infection status;
- COVID-19 infection history;
- Location of medical institutions on the map;
- List of medical services included into the Benefit Package;
- National Vaccination Schedule;
- Frequently asked questions;
- Online payment of medical services.
When logging in with AsanLogin, in addition to the information mentioned above you can acquire:
- Personal information;
- It is possible to get acquainted with the results of laboratory analysis.
Personal information includes:
- Appeals to medical institutions;
- Diagnosis set by a doctor;
- Provided medical services;
- Information about refferals/electronic form of refferals;
- Information about medical references/electronic form of references;
- Rating of application;
- Mandatory Health İnsurance certificate.
The “Shafa” mascot has been added to the mobile application. “Shafa” is a medical guide. It will help you to use the application. The app also includes a "User Guide". The application will be continuously improved, its functionality will be updated and it will be more useful for citizens. In a new version, you are not required to open or share your Bluetooth and GPS data when accessing the app. There is no notification about contact with a Covid-19 patient and no information on daily infection facts.
Baku, Azerbaijan
The State Agency on Mandatory Health


What's New with e-Tabib 2.3.0

-Ailə həkimi haqqında məlumatların əks olunması;
-“Əlillik müraciətinin izlənilməsi” bölməsi;
-“Onlayn növbə” bölməsi;
-Səhvlərin düzəldilməsi;


  • Category:
    Health & Fitness
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  • Requirements:
    Android 5.0 or later
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  • avatar
    2020-10-02 17:19
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    Menasi olmayan bir tetbiq
    2020-08-02 03:53
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    cox pis. 1952 ci ilde anadan olan ucun dogum tarixini secmeyi ceht etmisiz? ceht edin. seherden axwama kimi ay ba ay sehife cevirersiz. insanlari izlemek ucun ise ela tetbiqetmedi buna gore 5 ulduz size
    2020-07-27 08:24
  • avatar
    netuceleri sehv gosteriri
    2020-07-19 12:57
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    programda ancaq problemlerdi.analiz 06.27,06.29,07.11i vermishem gah yazir analiz vermemisz gah yazir xestesiz.indide yoxlayram analizin cavablari 06.27si ve 06.28 olub 07.11 ise yoxdu sistemde.biyabirchiliqdir program deyil.Developeri ishden cxartmaq yox ellerini kesmek lazmdir ki daha develop ede bilmesn.Bir ulduzda choxdu bu programa sadece mecburiyyetden elave edirem!!!
    2020-07-19 09:38
  • avatar
    Every time I open it system requires authentication code. You have to register phone number every time
    2020-07-18 11:16