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나쁜 기억 지우개

5.21.13 for Android
3.7 | 500,000+ Installs | Reviews

저스트랩스 주식회사

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Description of 나쁜 기억

Here provides top Free Android Apps. 20,000+ users downloaded 나쁜 기억 지우개 latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It's not only an app it also teaches you how to use it. This hot app was released on 2016-03-30. Hope you will like this amazing app!
The 'bad memories eraser "app is very simple.
Without registering, anyone can take advantage of immediately.
Write a note gradually faded with the passage of time haejida disappear after 24 hours.
You can talk until they disappeared through the comments with others.
Do not worry. No one knowing who you are,
The trail would remain aneuni disappear automatically.
Now, please put off your bad memories.
It will simply be comfortable putting their hearts by just pouring out.
And please comfort and sympathy to the comments others put off the bad memories.
We would have vulnerable live in this world together :)


What's New with 나쁜 기억 5.21.13

1. 버그 수정
2. 루팅된 폰도 앱 이용가능
3. 내가 댓글 단 글에 누군가 댓글 달았을 때 알림
= 이제 댓글로 글쓴이와 대화하세요!


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  • Requirements:
    Android 5.0 or later
  • Developer:
    저스트랩스 주식회사
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  • avatar
    요새 글들이 대체적으로 가벼워 진 것 같은데 다시 급상승 고민을 넣어 보는게 어떨까요? 좋은 앱 만들어주셔서 고맙습니다!
    2020-09-16 20:47
  • avatar
    지워도 고민이 생기고 화가나고 인생에 힘든 날엔 깔게되는 어플.
    2019-09-29 14:42
  • avatar
    월 500만원 받는다니까 기분이 매우 좋았냐 ??? ㅗ
    2019-01-22 05:52
  • avatar
    와 개더럽다ㅋㅋㅋ 24시간후에 고민 지운다는거 구라였고.. 저장해서 팔아먹고있었네?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    2019-01-07 08:18
  • avatar
    The company tried to sell users' private information including your location, birth year, gender and contents. Please be aware of this fact if you want to use this application and share your private stories.
    2019-01-07 07:26
  • avatar
    구체적인 위치 정보를 포함한 신상 정보와 고민 내용을 월 500만원에 판매하고 있어요. 24시간 이후에는 지워진다면서 월 500만원 받고 팔아먹나요? ㅋㅋㅋㅌㅋ
    2019-01-05 06:41