Rajesh Krishna Balan - The LiveLabs Urban LifeStyle Innovation Platform... [24 Apr 2014]
COMSNETS 2023 | From non public private 5G networks towards local 6G connectivity | Matti Latva-aho
mmAssist : Passive Monitoring of Driver’s Attentiveness Using mmWave Sensors (COMSNETS 2023)
Keynote | Rajesh Sundaresan | COMSNETS 2022
COMSNETS 2023 | Dependability & Data Analytics : A Match Made in the Cloud | Saurabh Bagchi
COMSNETS Panel Discussion: Topic: Man versus Machine: Humans Need Not Apply
Banquet Talks & Awards - COMSNETS 2018
COMSNETS & Mobile India KEYNOTE TALK: Speaker: Dr. Gautam Shroff, TCS Research & Innovation, India