Get daily weather forecasts, live radar maps, news & alerts for any location with Weather Port. Designed to provide you with real-time weather updates, this app is all you need to avoid any weather surprises.
Our top features:
Up-to-the-minute weather updates: Get information on the current temperature and daily local forecast.
Live weather news: Never miss important news and local weather alerts. Get the latest stories and top headlines from around the world.
Severe weather tracking: Track changes using live radar maps and stay prepared for storms, hurricanes or severe downpours with timely alerts.
Multiple locations: Monitor weather conditions for all locations added to the app.
Live, dynamic backgrounds: Know what the weather is like outside, at a glance.
Customizable home screen: Get different display and layout configuration options.
App drawer groups: Access your favorite apps with one swipe.
Dark mode activation: Unlock a customizable interface. Choose between a black, dark, or light theme as your default interface style.
Instant search: Use our quick search, voice search or one-touch text search options to browse the web.
Weather Port is an easy-to-use launcher app that gives you one-swipe access to local climate conditions along with a range of smart features. Sun, snow, or rain - stay one step ahead of the weather, always.
What’s New?
Enjoy these premium features with Weather Port Pro:
Get an ad-free experience
Access instant weather alerts for saved locations
View hourly weather forecast for 48 hours
If you subscribe to Weather Port Pro, payment will be charged to your Google Playstore™
Account and your subscription will automatically renew monthly. Turn off auto-renewal anytime by cancelling subscription from within the app or from Google Playstore™.
Help us improve the application by sharing your feedback with us. You may uninstall the application at any time you choose to.
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