HD Movie Video Player, you can enjoy fast & stable 4K playback Videos with subtitle. It is also a status downloader, which helps you get
online hot picture and status with 4x Fast speed. And you can even hide your personal videos in the private folder safely with this
powerful HD player.
HD Movie Player is best Professional Vid Player for Android Phone and Tablets as well. You can play it in 4K/Ultra HD Modes, also
option to play them with High-Definition, Different Sound Effect and with Subtitle.Making data Private Feature will help you to
protect your personal and Private vid collection From others, even also help you to protect from Wrong Delete.
List of HD Movie Player Features:
* All Videos item are listed under the same directory.
* Play Top a recently from the video list.
* Delete all or single videos file with single tap.
* Rename a file or directory easily.
* Share file such as WEBM, MPG, MP2, MPEG, MPE, MPV, OGG, MP4, M4P, M4V, AVI, WMV, MOV, QT, FLV, SWF, AVCHD from player.
* Search and View the details of a file or directory.
* Searching it using search key words.
* Play a off-line video from the list or from an other app (such as a file manager and explorer).
* Allow Audio to play in background.
* Stretch to Fit Full screen.
* Single Loop Playback.
* Floating Screen.
* Photo Click from running picture.
* Increase Decrease Playing Speed.
* Supports multiple subtitle formats.
* Smoother Voice Control as Well all brightness options.
* Entering a direct public URL and play online audio and live stream player.
* A set of useful and awesome options for the audio and vid playbacks.
* Watch and download with status downloader manager hub.
* Play online hd videogames and much more in player.
* Our Media Vault is Keep your data safe and secret with lock screen.
* Floating Video Supported - You can Play simultaneously while Using any other application same time.
* Can Take any Frames Screen shot or Screen print while watching Movie.
* External Internal Memory and SD card Supported.
* Exclusive Theams and Nightmode make the Application Experience Beautiful.
* Smoothly plays 720p, 1080p, 4K Formates.
* Lock Your Screen While Watching Movie will help to reduce unintentional clicks.
* Can Easily Download and Share any Media on Social Forums.
HD Movie Video Player is totally FREE and best HD Movie Player for android, simple, tiny and powerful. Any formats are
supported. Full HD Video Player is All-in-one media Player for different formats. We are open to any suggestions for better user
experience. You can contact us at contact.apprecent@gmail.com
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