IP Calculator is a utility application specially designed for Network Engineers, IT Professionals, Network Administrators, Students etc. for Calculating and Manipulating IP Address related tasks. Some of the essential features included in IP Calculator but not limited to -
• Determinig the IPv4 Address Class
• Available Subnets, Hosts per Subnet
• Network Address of the Given IP Address
• First Host of the Given IP Address
• Last Host of the Given IP Address
• Broadcast Address of the Given IP Address
• Binary Notation for IPv4 Address and Subnet Mask
• Subnetting and Supernetting Table for getting various IPv4 address range
• Realtime calculation from each of single field changes
• Adaptive and Sleek design for better user experience
• Tells whether the Given IP Address is Private, Public, Loopback, APIPA etc.
• Subnet Mask auto adjust based on Given IP Address
• Slider for changing Subnet Mask easily run time
• Bug Tracker for tracking bugs if any
• Support for both Phone and Tablet version of Android Devices
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