"Upstream is truly the most legit social product I've used in a long time. I find tremendous value here. Watch this space, it's going to be huge." - @ellenjdasilva
Upstream is a new professional groups product. Join communities, give and get help, host office hours, and attend digital networking events.
As an admin of a community, you can bring over an existing one or start fresh using our unique moderator toolset. Understand your community's engagement and interactions with analytics and insights. Connect your members beyond simplistic & chaotic chat threads, and help your community reach new levels.
You'll love using Upstream with your professional community:
- Host live digital networking events
- Host office hours
- Give your members a place to give & get help
- Moderate your community's asks and replies
- Highlight & showcase interesting members and posts to boost their visibility
- Ensure the highest quality of participation with our purposefully built moderator tools
Have thoughts you'd like to share? Send us a note to hello@upstreamapp.com
Fix scrolling issue for unauthenticated users