Battery Saver- Cleaner, Booster is a app that can save your battery life with just in a single Tap.
Battery Saver supply many utilities like Junk Cleaner,Phone Booster, CPU cooler..., it can help users easily speed up the phone, clean memory or manage applications.
Key features:
★ Battery Saver
The battery saver can analyze battery usage and monitor all apps that drain power while not in use. Hibernating the apps to stop battery draining and promote battery life.
★ Speed Booster
This booster doesn’t allow more auto-start Apps in the backend. can boost processing speed, turn off unnecessary apps that running in background & save battery.
★ Junk Cleaner
Not enough storage? If there's too much junk taking up space on your device, you can delete it with a tap to free up device storage.
★ CPU Cooler
Cool the CPU temperature by detect & close apps that are likely to cause temperature rise. An Apps cleaner to close overheating apps
Battery Saver is one of your best choices to keep your device healthy and save your battery. You deserve a more efficient battery saver experience.