Information is power! The right information equips us for success in any endeavor in life. This is why education - the right education is key in our quest for success in any area of life. Life answers to the level of information we possess at any given time in any given area. For instance, to succeed financially, you need “Wealth Education” (financial literacy and financial intelligence. My book, Wisdom for Wealth Creation will be of tremendous help to any one in quest for wealth education). In order to adequately maintain your health, you need a modicum of Health Education. In the same vein, for a young person (a teenager or a youth) to make a success of his/her interpersonal relationships (particularly with the opposite sex) and to avoid the mistakes that can lead to regrets later in life or even ruin one’s bright future, he/she needs a certain degree of Sex Education.
This is the reason for this book. It is to furnish young people with the right information about sex, and sexual matters, with a view to empower them to make informed and wise decisions in these areas. Our desire is to enable young people to be able to make right choices when it comes to sexual matters, having been armed with the right information. The result will be producing young people who are sexually well adjusted, responsible, and prepared to face adulthood with confidence, being established and comfortable in their cherished values.
The second reason for this book is to assist parents, teachers, educators, youth pastors, and anyone else who deals with teenagers and youths in the daunting task of raising and mentoring these young ones. Parenting, mentoring or pastoring this age bracket is very challenging and sometimes can be very tiring. The reason is that the teen-youth age bracket is very volatile, characterized with restiveness, self-assertion (which if not well managed can degenerate to rebellion), exploration and experimentation. Unfortunately, a lot of parents and other persons who deal with this age group are ill-equipped to help them navigate successfully through this explosive and boisterous period of their lives. This book will therefore empower parents and youth mentors to understand their teens, the changes going on in their lives (as they relate to sexual matters) and equally give them the skills and keys to adequately assist them make a success of this period of their lives.
A Latin adage says: “Nemo quod dat non habent”, meaning “No one gives what he does not have”. Parents and teen-youth mentors have got to have the right knowledge or education before they can pass it across to their teenagers/youths.
The book is divided into three sections.
Section 1 deals with “Understanding Sex”
.Section 2 is on “Understanding Yourself” as a teenager or youth – the changes taking place in your body.
Section 3 is on “The Keys to Success” in sexual matters during this age.
But first, let us begin by looking more closely at the need for Sex Education amongst teenagers and youths.