Deep Cleaner Lite can instantly optimize the performance of your phone, which includes accelerating web browsing speed, improving gaming experience, making your battery last longer, cleaning cache and removing the junk files.
Unleash the full potential of your Android’s CPU speed and RAM with a single tap speed boost - your phone will work as fast as it was on the first day!
☆Clear junk files
The junk file cleaner cleans up cache and junk files that take up memory and storage space, which helps to improve and optimize the speed and performance of your phone.
☆Phone Boost
Automatically boost the performance of your games and apps. Phone Booster frees up memory, speeds up your phone and saves battery power.
☆CPU Cooler
Continuously monitor temperature changes, detect applications that consume high CPUs, and begin the cooling process, effectively reducing handset temperature. With memory boost, it cools Android devices as quickly as possible.
☆Battery Saver
The battery booster feature helps optimize battery usage, reduce charging time and reduce power consumption. Use it often to avoid using the battery charger all the time, and to extend the life of the battery charger. Try now to make your battery last longer and use fewer battery chargers.
☆App Manager
How many years have you installed an application that you have not used? Easily delete old apps and identify apps with irregular activity
☆Fast and Simple
The user interface of Deep Cleaner Lite is simple and intuitive, making it user-friendly and easy to clean cache and junk files to free up your phone's RAM.
Note:Our app uses Accessibility services under certain condition to enable advanced functions and improve your experience.
We will be happy if the Deep Cleaner Lite helps you to clean junk files from your device, and we will be grateful for your good assessment and feedback on our work. We will try to constantly improve our app, If you have any questions or suggestions, please write to us at email:
1. Fix some known problems
2. Improve product stability