imo free video - which enables you to meet great friends from different countries of the world and make new friends through a group conversation that includes thousands of Arabs of different races.
Through a private chat, with imo free chat, you can enter many rooms with hundreds of users and move around with ease.
Imo chat contains many options and features that many messaging applications lack, and the application also has a wonderful advanced look that you know now.
🔷 Features of imo free video chat
Post the diary on the wall to share with friends.
✅ Talk in group messaging with 1,000 users.
✅ Superb Advanced File.
✅ Create a private chat alone.
Bonuses for active users.
✅ Many cool emojis.
Filter the words that are offensive to morals.
✅ Great colors for line and hidden.
✅ Great new features.
🔕 Laws imo free video.
❌ Not entering morally inappropriate names.
❌ Do not utter bad words.
❌ It is forbidden to publish phone numbers on chat.
❌ Do not post sites or links in the chat.
UGC user acceptance requirement
We are very keen to observe the applicable privacy policy regarding the user's acceptance of UGC, which made us develop a strict blocking feature in case the subscriber does not comply with the implementation of the agreement.
(Usage Policy) The administration will take measures in this regard, including:
🚫 Block abusive users who violate the Terms of Use.
🚫 Remove the objectionable content (texts media) at maximum speed.
We have a system for reporting the objectionable content.
Supervisors are present around the clock to impose penalties on offenders.