🌟 Social Media has made it very easy to express your mood by sharing photos/videos/gifs and quotes status
on ImgVid all in one status app.
🌟 " ImgVid all in one status app" We’re updating our platform daily, you will get a perfect dose of latest video status to share with your friends.
🌟 ImgVid all in one status app are available in short size with the best quality status. Our servers are super fast to give you fastest downloading speed and the small size of the video and other type of status also helps you to upload them quickly on WhatsApp and other sharing platforms.
🌟 " ImgVid all in one status app" Using best status story video and other status app, You can download and share status story clip in social media like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Hike and many more.
Features :
* Videos/Images/Gifs/Quotes Latest
*Videos/Images/Gifs/Quotes Popular
*Videos/Images/Gifs/Quotes Categories
*Videos/Images/Gifs/Quotes Subscription
*Videos/Images/Gifs/Quotes Favourites
*Videos/Images/Gifs/Quotes Downloaded
*Long Press to view Videos/Images/Gifs/Quotes status
*Status Reactions (Like, Love ,Angry , Haha, WooW,Sad)
*Status Comments
*Share Videos/Images/Gifs/Quotes(WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram...)
*Profile Page
*Search by using categories ,title, keywords
*User Can Post Own Video Status
*Users Profile
*Google Sign-in/Sign-up
*Load more on scroll
*Notification by using firebase
*privacy policy,Contact us pages
*Settings (Notification , Cache ...)
*And Many other features