Calculator Vault is designed to provide best user experience. Calculator Vault acts as a calculator and a mask on top of a vault to hide or secure your personal things.
This secret vault can act as photo vault, video vault , audio vault, documents vault, passwords vault.
As suggested each will be used to secretly store or hide photos, hide videos, hide gallery content, hide documents, hide passwords , hide todo lists.
Not just hide but also create albums or folders, create lists of todo items. create notes etc.
Use different colors for differentiation between your data, lock photos etc.
Main Features:
☆App Lock:
Lock your calculator vault with password, pin, pattern and other options to choose from.
☆Calculator Vault:
Used as a secret calculator which will hide your contents in the vault.
Uses AES encryption algorithm, to encrypt the content like passwords, text, images, videos, content of gallery and much more.
☆Hack Attemps:
If anybody tries to access the calc vault without your permission you will be notified.
☆Data and Security lock Recovery:
Recover your Previously lost hide photos, security locks or any data from the secret locker.
Quick Tips
✔ In order to Change PIN or password quickly go to Settings tab and click on Security Locks.
✔ To Recover lost data go to settings and click on data recovery.
✔ Easily Switch to home screen on a shake or flick to setup go to settings and click on panich switch.
✔ Set email id to recover your forgot security locks.
Any Suggestions or help contact us at
Bug Fixes