HD Video Player plays all the video formats smoothly. It supports HD, full HD & 4K videos. You can enjoy high quality or audio on your android device without effort. Full HD Video Player with equalizer also helps you to make your audio playing super cool.
Support ALL video formats
Support high quality videos.
Video Player All Format is a professional video playback tool. It supports ALL video formats ultra HD video files, and plays them with high-definition. It is one of the Best HD Video Player for android tablet and android phone.
HD video player plays and supports all type of videos and audio files like AVI 3GP MKV TS MPG
M4V MOV MP4 WMV RMVB FLV and MP3 You use this Free HD Video Player and click on videos and all videos in your mobile organized quickly. When you click on audios then all audio songs open. HD video player plays all types of videos and play all length of videos.