Do you want to have the latest updated version of WhatsApp immediately when it is updated on Google Play? Google Play does not automatically update WhatsApp Messenger on your phone until days after the update.
Thanks to Update for WhatsApp you can be the first to update WhatsApp and have access to the news and new functionalities.
Updater for WhatsApp checks the latest version available on Google Play and allows you to install it automatically.
It is important to always have the latest updated version of WhatsApp, not only because we are missing the news that has been included in each version, but because the updates also bring news in terms of security and privacy.
We notify you with a push notification or notice when a new version is available, and you will be able to see the list of news before installing the new update.
Update WhatsApp for free quickly and safely.
Important: Remember that it is not necessary to delete WhatsApp in order to update it. If you delete WhatsApp from your mobile phone, you can lose your conversation history.
Updater for WhatsApp is not sponsored by or affiliated with WhatsApp Inc. WhatsApp Messenger, its name, trademark, and other aspects of the app are trademarked and owned by their respective owners.